
Planning & Goals
Water is vital to every business as it is necessary fuel for your workforce.
Well- hydrated employees are more productive. They are more focused, suffer less fatigue, and get more done.
Poor hydration, regularly suffered by workers, can cause energy-sapping symptoms like headaches and dizziness and can send productivity plummeting.
Proper hydration matters for your workforce. So an investment in plentiful fresh drinking water is an investment in your bottom line.
Sustainability goals are now a fact of corporate life, as companies strive to become better stewards of the environment and its precious resources. There are major financial incentives, too. Thoughtful use of utilities is almost always a significant part of these goals, but water often gets overlooked.
When planning and incorporating initiatives into your workplace, sensitive water efficiency, usage and accessibility are necessary components of a sustainable and holistic view.

Join the Mission
As part of our commitment to being “Green at Heart” is on a MISSION to convert every home, school, business and workplace across New Zealand away from plastic bottles and towards RE-USABLE and RE-FILLABLE bottles.